

Website Details
Custom product site for Walnut Creek Planing's Enviro-Brick product line. This line was being marketed as a separate entity and so a custom website was built. This site highlights a custom dealer locator that uses IP addresses to geo-locate a visitors location without them having to do or type anything. The dealer shows only 4 nearest results to make it very hard for competition to mine the entire dealer list. The staff at Walnut Creek Planing can add, edit, and remove dealers through our easy to use management interface. These bricks are sold nation-wide and in several major chain stores.
Walnut Creek Planing
Sawmilling and Planing
Launched Date: 
p: 330.852.9922
p: 800.927.4196
f: 888.644.2280
e: cservice@cprinting.com

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