The Design Process


Determine what the project is.

If this step sounds silly or simplistic, it’s not. Step one is where you determine what you need. Do you need a brochure? Is a brochure going to reach your customers the way you want it to? If you’re doing a book, is it going to be a hard or soft cover book? What kind of paper will it print on? What information will be printed?


Design magic occurs.

Customer Service hands off the project to the designer with the specifications from Step 1. During this stage, the designers perform their magic. In the natural habitat of their cubicle, designers are known to create amazing print materials with ease, provided that sufficient coffee is provided.


The Proof.

The designer will send the proof of the job to you for proofreading. You can make any design changes you wish, and check for typos and incorrect information. You will communicate these changes to your designer.


Revision and approval.

You and the designer may go back and forth several times until the project is perfect. There’s no limit to the amount of revisions you can make to a project. Once it’s perfect, the designer will ask you to sign an approval form, and he/she will prepare the project for press.

You'll work with:

Customer Service

You'll work with:

Your Designer

You'll work with:

Your Designer
and/or Customer Service

You'll work with:

Your Designer
and/or Customer Service

Asking us what we design is like asking a supermarket what they sell.
The answer is “basically, anything you want.”


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p: 800.927.4196
f: 888.644.2280

© 2025 Carlisle Printing